Needs a lot of stirring
(Sepura, pic#AU9A8867)
This will make it special
(Sepura, pic#AU9A8870)
It is not finished yet
(Sepura, pic#AU9A8876)
This smells good
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8878)
I will take just a little sip
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8880)
That is not a chewing spoon!
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8882)
Even without paws
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8883)
Poor spider, I cannot watch it.
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8886)
How you dare trying to cook me?!
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8887)
Do not hurt me little spider
(Leoka64, pic#AU9A8888)