Did you ask for Help?
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5396)
Just let my try.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5401)
I have also repaired this one.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5404)
hope this is it now.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5407)
I have to do this myself.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5412)
how you are doing?
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5414)
why are you standing here?
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5416)
...have found excalifur in my last portal.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5418)
Do you have a moment?
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5423)
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5430)
I have to clean every one.
(Alakei, pic#_B7A5433)