It's going to be an awesome ride! No? Aww...
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0011)
It's Eurofurence over there in Berlin! Let's drop in!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0013)
...well, it is dropping in something, right?
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0014)
...then drop some ballast
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0018)
Especially that gray stuff. Can't see an inch!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0020)
...that's fit to print. He did what?!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0023)
First class travel woof!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0026)
This is flight K-9-7-7 coming in for landing!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0027)
...I think I'm way too far north, better turn around!
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0031)
That mountain was closer than it appeared! Wonder what I'm going to tell the insurence agent?
(Nikodim, pic#A49A0032)