Fancy meeting you here!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0030_1)
I told you to take a left at the giant rock trap!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0032_1)
I don't know, I lost track!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0034_1)
I think we need to go that way!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0037) that a whip? Indy?
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0045)
All bow before him!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0054)
No, more to the right and less shading!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0066_1)
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0070_1)
Let's see if the natives care for shiny stuff!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0076_1)
Rubber tree fight!
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0085_1) know, right?
(Futeko, Torajin, pic#4A6A0092)