I want to show you my collection
(Dorian, Yop, pic#A49A9793)
Anything you want to watch?
(Dorian, pic#A49A9794)
Let the beat catch you
(Dorian, pic#A49A9799)
I got you on tape
(Dorian, pic#A49A9803)
Cat got your tounge?
(Yop, pic#A49A9809)
come over here
(Yop, pic#A49A9812)
Do you want to be our number three?
(Dorian, Yop, pic#A49A9814)
Let your feet dangle
(Dorian, Yop, pic#A49A9818)
Now we feel small
(Dorian, Yop, pic#A49A9821)