The black record! Not as good as a golden one, but hey...
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0339_2) mom, ma dad, and...
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0341_2)
Play that guitar
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0342_2) long was that song again?
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0344_2)
Shake it!
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0346_2)
Up, down, up, down! Feel that burn!
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0347_2)
...I'll keep count. Are you sure this is a weight?
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0348_2)
Pump it!
(Coco, HungryWulfy, pic#A49A0351_2)