My royal subjects...
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8951)
...the future of this land.
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8953)
...if you want something moved...
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8954)
...complete with mushroom.
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8958)
We will get this thing back on track soon enough!
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8964)
Hmmm... let's poke it and see if it's alive.
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8969)
You'll never scare the kin again!
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8971)
Can I interest you in a nice little boquet?
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8973)
Awww... that would not have been necessary!
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8975)
Is there someone over here?
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8976)
Where's that mouse when you need him?
(KingTaibu, pic#875A8981)