Striking a pose in the forest...
(Anrhok, pic#875A8207)
Good thing I found you here!
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8209)
Good thing I found you here!
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8211)
This thing has just the right hight!
(Ataru, pic#875A8213)
We found ours. What's yours?
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8216)
D'awww... how cute is that?
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8218)
Us? Never! We are ferocious dragons. Rawr!
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8219)
Let me axe you something!
(Ataru, Anrhok, pic#875A8220)