Taking a break from all that work...
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4258)
Proper greeting now!
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4260)
Well, economy is tanking... what else is new?
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4264)
...for the bus to arrive! Why is there such a bad service around here?
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4267)
Officer down!
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4268)
That other knife might have been used somewhere too.
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4270)
Low angle of the previous shot
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4272)
But we better have a closer look at it!
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4276)
This is a crime scene! Show some respect!
(Jack Swift, pic#4A6A4287)