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Eurofurence 2014 Fursuit Photoshoot:
Pictures of Friday (Slot: 19h00 (4614))
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< [Previous slot: Friday, 18h40 (4131)]      [Next slot: Friday, 19h10 (4499)] >


We have arrived!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3258)

Up there!

Where did we come from? Up there!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3261)


We can see you!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3266)

No service?

How come there's no bus around?
(Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3274)


Just when will that stupid bus be around?!
(Famis, pic#4A6A3279)

How much?

You want how much? And what is that even???
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3286)


Oh no! All that useless violence!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3299)


With extra force!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3306)


Looks like he's dead...
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3310)

Yes...'s a knife!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3315)

Look into my eye!

Look deeply into my eye!
(Famis, pic#4A6A3318)


Not to forget a single detail here!
(Famis, Aroxxis Downfall, pic#4A6A3320)