Enhoying a nice evening in the park!
(Tristan, pic#4A6A5310)
Cheetah sees friend... or potential lunch.
(Tristan, pic#4A6A5314)
Nice to see you!
(Tristan, pic#4A6A5315)
No? Just a little hug maybe?
(Tristan, pic#4A6A5316)
Getting all nice and comfortable....
(Tristan, Cuja, pic#4A6A5319)
Enjoying each other's company
(Tristan, Cuja, pic#4A6A5320)
There's always room for more, when it comes to hugs!
(Tristan, Cuja, pic#4A6A5322)
Oh no! How do we get that thing off again?!
(Tristan, Cuja, pic#4A6A5329)